Website security optimization


How secure is your WordPress website? WordPress sites can be easy targets for hackers because of plugin vulnerabilities, weak passwords, and outdated software.

Our WordPress security optimization service is a great way to ensure your site is locked down. Our service will fix common security holes, strengthen user credentials and install an industry-standard security plugin.

Please see below for a complete list of what is included in this service.

What does the Website Security Optimization service include?
  • Finding and fixing common WordPress vulnerabilities.
  • Protecting your site from hackers and viruses.
  • Configuring your website to follow the best security practices.
  • Security updates for plugins, themes and WordPress core.
  • Recommendations for keeping your site clean in future.
  • Implementation of strong WordPress dashboard security tweaks to thwart malicious hacker attacks.
  • Checking and ensuring strong passwords are used in the WordPress installation.
  • Adding additional security layers to protect the WordPress database from malicious attacks and zero-day vulnerabilities.
  • Checking that all WordPress software used – such as WordPress themes and WordPress plugins – are secure, properly configured and do not pose any security risks.
  • Manually checking that correct privileges (WordPress roles and capabilities) were assigned to each WordPress user and are updated where necessary.
  • Applying of all other WordPress security measures to ensure that your WordPress blog or website is secured properly and does not expose sensitive data that could help malicious users craft an attack.
  • Changing login URL to prevent detection of the login page to unknown people.
  • Brute-Force Protection.
  • Dual Factor Authentication (Optional).
  • Scan and clean-up of malicious files, including PHP files in the WordPress Directory.
  • htaccess/nginx.conf and security tweaks.
What is not included with this service?
  • We do not provide WordPress training.
What information do I need to provide?

After you have purchased this service you will need to provide the following information:

  • WordPress Admin Login Details.
  • FTP/Hosting Control Panel Login Details.

Once we have your details, we will begin the process of securing your site.

Typical turnaround time

2 Business Days