WordPress speed optimization service


Is your WordPress site slow? The speed of your website is important, not only for improved user experience but also for how your page is ranked by search engines.

Using tools like YSlow and Google Pagespeed Insights, we can accurately measure your site's speed and identify any areas that need to be addressed.

A ‘before and after’ report is also included in our service. This allows you to check the improvements that have been made to your site.

Please see below for a complete list of what is included in this service.

What does this service include?
  • HTML, CSS and JS minification.
  • Defer parsing of possible JavaScript files.
  • Optimizing the order of styles and scripts.
  • Image optimization, scaling and resizing using Kraken.io.
  • Removal of Query Strings.
  • Enabling Keep-Alive and Vary PHP headers.
  • Fixing of bad requests.
  • Configuring of ETags.
  • Minimizing the number of total requests.
  • Enabling of GZip compression.
  • Enabling of browser caching.
  • Cache validation.
  • Optimizing .htaccess or nginx.conf file.
  • Setting up of a content delivery network. (Optional)
What is not included in this service?
  • We do not provide WordPress training.
What information do I need to provide?

After you have purchased this service you will need to provide the following information:

  • WordPress admin login details.
  • FTP/hosting control panel login details.
  • (Optional) CDN Login Details (MaxCDN/Cloudflare/Amazon Cloudfront/etc.)

Once we have your details, we will begin the process of optimizing your site.

Typical turnaround time

2 Business Days