Upload and format content


Do you get frustrated at having to upload and format your WordPress site’s content all the time? Keeping your website up to date with content can be time-consuming and distracting. Our quick and efficient service provides a mechanism to free up your time by adding content to a site for you. We are super efficient and will not only get the material uploaded but looking exactly like your existing content.

Please see below for a complete list of what is included in this service.

What does this service include?
  • Creation of one new page or post.
  • Addition of the appropriate markup and styling to match your existing content.
  • Upload of all assets relating to the content.
  • Checks to ensure the content has been added correctly.
What is not included in this service?
  • We do NOT write the content. You still need to write the content for the post or page.
  • We do NOT provide the assets. You will need to buy or provide copies of the images, videos or audio files that you would like to use.
What information do I need to provide?

After you have purchased this service you will need to provide the following information:

  • WordPress admin login details.

Once we have your details and content, we will upload the content and create the relevant page or post. Once we have made the changes to your site you should check the content is how it should be and inform us of any further amends you would like to be made.

Typical turnaround time

1 Business Day